Non-Emergency: (815)338-2621

Working smoke detectors save lives!
The Woodstock Fire/Rescue District is participating in a joint effort with the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance and the Office of the State Fire Marshal, “Be Alarmed”. As part of the program, the IFSA has shipped smoke detectors to WFRD to be installed in resident’s homes to help reduce the number of fire-related deaths. Smoke detectors will be installed by our personnel while on duty, free of charge. Smoke detectors will come with a permanent 10-year sealed battery and would require only routine testing. Installation is limited by the program to residential spaces owned by the individual. Tenants with non-functional smoke detectors should contact their landlord for a replacement and are encouraged to reach out to WFRD should they need assistance.
Residents can request a set of smoke alarms by completing the brief form below. When requested, WFRD personnel will arrange to visit the resident’s home and will install smoke detectors in every sleeping area, outside of the sleeping area, and on each level of the home, including the basement.
How can I purchase an address sign?1. Fill out the easy form on our website and submit payment. or 2. Download the PDF form and bring your payment to Station 1, located at 435 E. Judd Street.
What does my $20 pay for?The $20 fee covers the materials only (sign, sign lettering, and stake). Installation services are provided at no cost to you as a service from the Woodstock Fire/Rescue District.
Why will they measure my driveway?WFRD measures property owners’ driveways to indicate the length of supply hose needed to reach the buildings on your property in order to mount an effective fire attack. Our engines carry 1000 feet of supply hose on them. Green signs indicate to our firefighters a driveway is less than 1000 feet, meaning they could lay the supply line at the road. Red signs indicate a driveway greater than 1000 feet, but less than 2000 feet; a sign will be placed at the 1000 foot mark to your building(s). For properties with special circumstances, including driveways longer than 2000 feet, a blue sign is placed at the road and the condition is placed on record in each engine so the crew can act accordingly.
If I live in town should I still purchase a sign?YES, it is still valuable to have a green sign if you live in town, as the crew can see the address sign from further up the street with ease. Every second counts in an emergency.